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Introduction to Pull Request Stacking
Gearoid O'Treasaigh
April 10, 2024

Introduction to Pull Request Stacking

Pull Request (PR) stacking is another name for stacked diffs, a concept that has existed for several years. We’ll go through what it is, the tools you can use and where PR stacking may be of benefit.

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EP3 - Upskilling and Reskilling - Your Ticket to Thriving in the AI Era
Michele Brissoni
April 4, 2024

EP3 - Upskilling and Reskilling - Your Ticket to Thriving in the AI Era

Hey there, fellow digital warriors! Buckle up because we’re diving into another round of insights to help you conquer your digital challenges, following our previous Matrix Red Pills 💊: ‘AI won’t save you from failing in digital transformations’ and ‘Unlock The Power of Behavior Engineering in Digital Transformation’.

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AI Developer Tool Limitations In 2024
Attila Fejer
April 3, 2024

AI Developer Tool Limitations In 2024

With the rise of ChatGPT , Bard Gemini , GitHub Copilot , Devin , and other AI tools1, developers started to fear that AI tooling would replace them. Even though their capabilities are indeed impressive, I don’t fear our jobs will go away in 2024.

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EP2 - Unlock The Power of Behavior Engineering in Digital Transformation
Michele Brissoni
March 28, 2024

EP2 - Unlock The Power of Behavior Engineering in Digital Transformation

Hey there, fellow digital warriors🧑‍🎤! Remember when we talked about how AI won’t swoop in and save your digital transformation woes?

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EP1 - AI won’t save you from failing in digital transformations.
Michele Brissoni
March 22, 2024

EP1 - AI won’t save you from failing in digital transformations.

Hey there, CXOs, board members, and all you high-flying executives and leaders out there, listen up!

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The Reason Why We Work Remotely: The Key to Your Success
Michele Brissoni
January 17, 2024

The Reason Why We Work Remotely: The Key to Your Success

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, the choice between remote, on-site, or hybrid work models has become pivotal for companies seeking success in an increasingly demanding market.

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