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EP18 - The Déjà Vu Disaster. When Will We Learn?
Welcome back Digital Warriors! ⚔️
Buckle up because today, we’re diving into another round of investigation and deep dive of the catastrophe that shook the cyber world to its core. The CRowdStrike Falcon outage wasn’t just a glitch; it was a colossal failure that left millions scrambling.
Read MoreEP17 - How a Tiny Bug Took Down the World
🗓️ Friday 19th of July 2024 - The Wake-Up Call day
Imagine waking up to a world where a single software glitch causes economic losses of $ 10 billion, with $ 5.4 billion blown up by Fortune 500 companies alone. Unfortunately, this is reality, not a nightmare. This exact scenario unfolded with the CrowdStrike outage, impacting businesses globally. This disaster isn’t just a wake-up call for IT departments but a siren for all industrial leaders. The damage is likely underestimated. IT’s influence on our global economy, political stability, and safety is colossal. We’re in the era of Industry 5.0, with many still catching up to Industry 4.0 or even 3.0 paradigms. IT forms the backbone of every industrial and civil sector.
Read MoreEP16 - The Future of Data in Digital Transformation
Hey there, fellow digital warriors! ⚔️
Welcome back to the Forge of Unicorns! Last time, we talked about why organizational assessments are key for real evolution 🌱, not just by-the-book transformations 📚. Today, we’re diving into how the Unicorns’ Ecosystem uses data to help organizations make smarter decisions and drive true evolution. Buckle up, because we’re about to explore the future of data in digital transformation!
Read MoreEP15 - Organizational Assessments: Evolution Driven by Data
Hey there, fellow digital warriors! 🚀
Welcome back to the Forge of Unicorns! In our last post, we dove deep into why “SAFe isn’t the problem” but the approach to implementing it is where most transformations go off course 💥. Today, we’re taking a closer look at why our organizational assessment is crucial and why “Stop Transforming, Start Evolving” is not just a catchy phrase but a necessity.
Read MoreEP14 - SAFe Isn't The Problem
Hey there, fellow digital warriors! 🚀
Welcome back to the Forge of Unicorns! In our last post, we delved into the importance of evolving over transforming with the replay of my talk at XP2024. Today, we kick off a new block of articles focusing on why an organizational assessment is crucial and why stopping transformation isn’t just an option but a necessity.
Read MoreEngineering vs Craftsmanship
In the world of software development, two terms often arise when discussing the qualities of experienced professionals: engineering and craftsmanship. While we sometimes use these terms interchangeably, they represent distinct skill sets and mindsets.
Emily Bache and Dave Farley published the video What Is A Software Engineer? | Craftsmanship Movement Was A “Step Backwards”. It inspired me to write this post with a different opinion: combining the two approaches leads to superior software development.
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