Gearoid O'Treasaigh

Gearoid O'Treasaigh

Gearoid is an award-winning software craftsmanship coach, passionate about helping developers reach their full potential. By day, he helps organizations improve their software development skills and transform their culture. Here, he shares practical tips and insights on topics like testing, DevOps, and tooling to empower you to build better software. When not coding, he enjoys swimming and reading a good crime novel.

Password Management - Passwordless Login
May 16, 2024

Password Management - Passwordless Login

We keep hearing about the move to passwordless logins. What does all this mean? Does it mean that we’re not going to have any way of checking who we are or that we’re moving to the advanced technology where we have retina scanning? Let’s delve into it in this blog post.

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Password Management - The Basics
May 2, 2024

Password Management - The Basics

Happy World Password Day! (In 2024, it’s being celebrated on May 2nd). Remembering loads of passwords is an absolute pain. As we work in corporate jobs, we find that the number of personal and professional passwords we have continues to grow, along with having to log into systems numerous times a day.

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A Change in Identity — From Developer to Craftsperson
April 26, 2024

A Change in Identity — From Developer to Craftsperson

In this blog article, we’ll explore the principles of software craftsmanship, the benefits of becoming a software craftsperson, and how we can improve our skills. We’ll look at a growth mindset and some resources to help us on our journey. Let’s dive in!

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Building Elite Teams Starts With Habits
April 17, 2024

Building Elite Teams Starts With Habits

Going from a mediocre team to an elite team can seem daunting, especially when we need to figure out where to start. The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) can be our north star, helping us build the habits and practices we need to be elite. We’ll look at DORA, the challenges of building habits, and how to form habits that stick.

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Introduction to Pull Request Stacking
April 10, 2024

Introduction to Pull Request Stacking

Pull Request (PR) stacking is another name for stacked diffs, a concept that has existed for several years. We’ll go through what it is, the tools you can use and where PR stacking may be of benefit.

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